CIMCO CNC-Calc makes it easy to lay out toolpaths for milling and turning as well as drilling operations. By applying suited toolpath strategies to your model CNC-Calc can generate the NC toolpaths for you. CIMCO CNC-Calc includes the following milling and turning toolpath strategies.
Constant Cut Inside Out
A strategy that works in the same way as the pocket milling operation, but the strategy used to mill this internal pocket is a constant cut strategy. The constant cut strategy is a very efficient and fast strategy because it allows the operator to use very high feedrates and to take very deep cuts.
Constant Cut Ouside In
This operation is used to mill the part from the outside in. That means that it can mill an open pocket or the top of a part where some islands protrude. This operation is generated using the very effective Constant Cut Strategy. All Constant Cut Milling strategies can be generated as Climb, Conventional or both way milling.